Monday, 26 August 2013

I Categorically Deny Writing This

Ever since I started watching News as a kid I have been listening to this phrase that "So and so has "categorically" denied this, denied that. So I thought, OK, not only this person is denying the corruption charges against him/her, he/she is doing so "categorically". 

I did not understand then what importance did "categorically" added to the denial of that respective charge. I still don't understand it.

Is there any other way of denying an allegation than doing it categorically? For instance if a politician is found to be involved in a sex scam, would he or she (being gender neutral is fun) ever deny it non-categorically? 

"Well yes I deny the charges but I do so non-categorically, I might be found guilty later"

When you come to think of it, how many of us understand the importance of the statements made by our representatives in Parliament anyways?

Be it a natural disaster, a terror attack, a huge scam uncovered or any allegation made by opposition, there will be one politician, and in some rare cases Prime Minister, will just give a statement in the Houses of Parliament that we "strongly" condemn the attack, we are "deeply" saddened by the disaster and we "categorically" deny the charges. And that just makes things better.

Well at least for them. But what does this statement do for the common man? And How?

Is there any other way than to condemn the terror attacks ? 

Is there any other way you can feel than be saddened by the thousands of people dying in a natural disaster?

And most of all this gets my goat. A recent incident of beheading soldiers at the border was followed by a statement that "It was an unfortunate incidence."

For God's sake please clarify whether our Parliament considers this incident a result of misfortune? 

Well only if the soldiers were lucky enough.

But then silence also drives the populace crazy. So they have to say something. 

And I wonder if adding these adverbs is a cultural thing. India as a society is a melodramatic one. Be it our movies, our literature or politics. 

In the land of "Hey Bhagwans" and "Haaye Raams" our politicians know the importance of emoting aggressively when it comes to issues close to the heart of people. 

So we know the drill by now. We have heard the same statements innumerable times. Staff of our leaders must have created the templates by now to respond quickly to different situations.

So for the readers of this write up I place before you template #420 "I categorically deny writing this". 


  1. With arnab in the public domain, we've got some fun times ahead.

  2. haha. I think you need to add those qualifiers when you yourself are not certain if you really mean what you are saying.
    For instance, "I love you" and "I really love you"
    You use the latter one when you need to convince the listener AND yourself about the love :P
